Support our street church financially

Your financial gift helps us to center the marginalized, providing soul care and other forms of support to those who need it most.

Donations help us to extend our work through meals, hygiene supplies, cold weather gear, and advocacy. We use gifts to buy food and art supplies, pay staff, and cover behind-the-scenes costs such as a small storage unit rental.

Our friends at All Saints Episcopal Church are graciously including Hope and Bread on their donation page and processing monetary donations for us. To make your gift, simply visit All Saints’ donation page and find Hope and Bread on the drop-down donation menu. You can find a reference guide here.

All gifts are tax deductible, and you will receive a receipt. Our tax I.D. number is 93-0386824.

“Hope and Bread does what Jesus did: going out among and creating a welcoming space for those who don’t experience welcome in very many places.”

Cheryle G., Volunteer