Advocate with us to fight homelessness

One way to help people who are living in extreme poverty is through advocacy. You can make an impact by showing up to advocate. We can help.


Most of us have had times in our lives when we need another pair of ears or eyes to help us navigate a complex system, be it medical or social service. You can make a big difference in someone’s life by accompanying them to appointments and helping to connect them with services. If you’ve been coming to our Sunday gatherings, getting to know folks, and want to do more, we can provide training and support for this important work.


You’ve probably heard the phrase: “95% of life is showing up.” Whether or not you agree, showing up to make your voice heard on behalf of others when our city or county is making decisions that impact the lives of the most vulnerable citizens matters. We offer trainings on providing written and spoken testimony. Reach out to learn more.

Spread the word

As a new and growing street church, we count on our friends to share the good news of what we have to offer. This can be as simple as following us on Instagram and encouraging your friends to do the same. It’s a form of advocacy!