My soul magnifies the Holy One who has shown strength with his arm, and scattered the proud in their conceit, casting down the mighty from their thrones, and lifting up the lowly. God fills the hungry with good things, and sends the rich away empty.

My soul magnifies the Holy One who has shown strength with his arm, and scattered the proud in their conceit, casting down the mighty from their thrones, and lifting up the lowly. God fills the hungry with good things, and sends the rich away empty.

Welcome to a new community in East Portland

We are a new Episcopal community dedicated to the spiritual needs of people living in extreme poverty in East Portland. We care for one another through soul care, regular gatherings, and advocacy. Our volunteers love to cook and share mutual support with our homeless neighbors and friends.

We take our inspiration from Mary, the mother of Jesus, who fiercely and courageously responded to God’s call by proclaiming God’s transformative love for the poor when she sang the Magnificat. We are committed to Mary’s assertions that God will lift the lowly, challenge the imaginations of the proud, and transform life for the poor. We believe that transformation begins with hospitality, mutual support, and worship by and for those to whom the Magnificat is addressed.

“Coming here makes me a better person. I’d even say it’s kept me alive.” ~Paul J.