Street church and chaplaincy bringing love and community to our neighbors.

Join us for hope and bread in East Portland

Center the Marginalized

We offer a space where all are welcome and all are fed, and we hope you will join us. We gather outside as a street church in a park. All people who attend our gatherings are included in decision-making and in charting the course of who we are. We do not rely on professionals or experts to tell us how to form community; our members with lived experience of extreme vulnerability and poverty are our best teachers.

Accompany the Vulnerable

We meet our neighbors where they are and accompany them, when asked, through challenges and crises of life on the streets, offering sacramental as well as pastoral care.  

Gather in Community

Housed and unhoused neighbors gather regularly to share gifts of time, attention, nourishing food, creativity, and non-judgmental hospitality. We offer a place where there are no “others,” where we don’t know who is being served and who is serving.


Volunteers and friends show up in the courtroom and the public square to help raise the concerns of those whose voices often go unheard but who are often disproportionately impacted by the decisions of those in power.


Our shared leadership model will help you connect with what matters. This new street church is led by a team of neighbors who love to cook and tell stories, including the Rev. Sara Fischer, long-time Portland priest with a heart for those on the margins. Our expanding group of housed and unhoused neighbors are drawn together by their eagerness to co-create a community of hope and transformation for people struggling with homelessness and extreme poverty.